Eagles Wings

Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on

I finally got my eagle picture! It took me awhile but it's all in God's timing! I have always loved the story about how eagles have a 'rebirth'.

In the wild, once eagles get to about 40 years old, they have to make a decision to die or undergo a long process of 150 days to be renewed. It's long pointed beak curves to it's chest, it's talons lose flexibility and their chest becomes have with heavy, thick feathers. 

They fly up to a nest high in the mountains and begin the process of 'rebirth' striking its beak on the rock until it can pull it off. After this, he waits for the new one to grow in and then he detaches its talons one by one. When those grow back, then it plucks its old feathers.

After 5 months, the eagle then takes off for its renewal flight that gives it 30 more years!

I find that amazing and reminds me of how God renews us. It's usually painful and unpleasant but in the end we can look back and see how God has 'renewed' us. The best part is how we can see God with us every step of the way. 

'But those who WAIT on the LORD shall RENEW their STRENGTH; They shall MOUNT up with wings like EAGLES, They shall RUN and not be WEARY, They shall WALK and NOT faint.' Isaiah 40:31