NEW! Subtle Verse Gift Shop

Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on

I can't believe it's the last day of 2020.  What a year!  Last year, just as our shows would have started, the world shut down.  I admit I was really sad once April then May came around and still no shows.  I then decided to just embrace it and enjoy my time off but I missed the people and shows.  So I started doing local farmers markets.  I had so much fun!  It helped that our new set up took us 10 minutes instead of 3 hours and I only had to travel 3 mins from our house.

Once the farmer's markets were over, I decided to open a Pop-Up shop.  I had so much fun that I continued to stay open until Christmas.  Now I'm excited to announce that we will have a permanent store!  We are doing some remodeling and hope to open the end of January if not sooner.  I will continue to update with the times we will be open.  Right now, I'm thinking Wednesday - Saturday.  We also have some fun things planned for the store when summer comes!

It's funny how God prepares our hearts for the next steps.  At the end of last year, we were so tired that we didn't know how we would go on and do all the shows we had planned for 2020.  So it was kinda a blessing in disguise that we got to stay home and rest.  Now after being home for so long, we feel this is where we were meant to be.  We will do a few shows this year as long as they go on but it will be more like 10 shows instead of 55!  

God Bless!
