Subtle Verse

BEST Customers

Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on

I know I've said this before but I do have the BEST customers ever. I look forward to every show because there are customers that I've become friends with over the years. I enjoy catching up with old friends and meeting new friends. This past weekend, I was at art-A-poolza in Green, OH. I used to do the show for years then I stopped doing it. It was only because our daughter went away to college and that was the time we would take her back to school. Also, our son had football games on Saturday and I didn't want to miss them....

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Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on

One of my favorite verses is 'For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.' 2 Timothy 1:7. It's the verse I pray over my family and myself, the verse I always tell my friends, the verse that I'm constantly repeating over and over. There is such a spirit of fear out in the world that you have to deliberately focus on not being afraid. It's not from God.  When we started doing shows for a living and Jason quit his good paying job to do this, I...

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End of Season

Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on

I can't believe 2023 is almost here! The last few years have flown by. This year was a year of getting back into the rhythm of things. Between the shows, our kids schedules, the store, and needing time to relax it was a busy season. But I realized this year how much I actually LOVE doing the shows. I guess when something is taken away from you, you learn how much it's a part of you. God has blessed us greatly, not talking about material things even though we don't lack, but with knowing what our mission is in life....

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The Unexpected

Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on

So I had to cancel my show, Ohio Mart, because something I didn't expect happened! On Monday, Jason and I were busy getting ready for our shows. He has Craftsmen's Classic in Roanoke, VA and I have Ohio Mart in Akron. I've been doing Ohio Mart for years and I love the show. It's a long show so I'm gone for 5 days but I always have a good time and love catching up with everyone. Anyway, Monday afternoon, I have what I think is a mosquito bite. Then after a few minutes, I get another one. Then another. I realized...

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Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on

It's been awhile since I've blogged. Still learning how to manage the store, shows, and life in this season. I look back and don't know how we did it when the kids were little.  They are older now, 20 & 16...can't believe it, so it should be easier but now we have new complications to due with but who doesn't. I love the store. It's been so much fun and LOVE the community that have supported us throughout the years. I can't forget the customers from shows that have traveled to come to the store! What AMAZING support!  It's funny how things work out.  I...

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